Acantholyda Costa 1894 (sawfly)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Pamphiliidae

Full reference: A. Costa. 1894. Prospetto degli imenotteri Italiani, parte terza. Tentredinidei e Siricidei. Atti Della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche, Serie Seconda 7:1-290

Parent taxon: Cephalciinae according to S. B. Archibald and A. P. Rasnitsyn 2015

See also Nel 2004, PeƱalver and Arillo 2002 and Taeger et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Cephalcia, Cephalciini

Subtaxa: Acantholyda (Acantholyda) Acantholyda erythrocephala Acantholyda ribesalbesensis

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Type: Tenthredo erythrocephala



• Miocene of France (2 collections), Spain (1)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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