Trilobita - Proetida - Proetidae
Full reference: I. Chlupac. 1969. Revision of the Middle Devonian trilobites from Horni Benesov in the Nizky Jesenik Mts. (Moravia). Sbornik geologickych ved, Paleontologie 10:67-103
Parent taxon: Proetinae according to Z. Zhou et al. 2000
See also Jell and Adrain 2002 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Bohemiproetus, Coniproetus, Cyphoproetus, Deinoproetus, Devonoproetus, Dohmiella, Ejinoproetus, Eosoproetus, Ganinella, Gerastos, Gomiites, Helmutia, Kegeliella, Khalfinella, Kolymoproetus, Lacunoporaspis, Longiproetus, Luojiashania, Mezzaluna, Myoproetus, Oehlertaspis, Orbitoproetus, Perliproetus, Podoliproetus, Praedechenella, Pragoproetus, Proetina, Proetus, Pseudodechenella, Pseudogerastos, Pudoproetus, Pulcherproetus, Rhenocynproetus, Schizoproetina, Simaproetus, Unguliproetus, Warburgella, Westropia, Eocyrtosymbole
Subtaxa: Benesovella lusor Benesovella strandi
Type: Benesovella strandi
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Devonian of the Czech Republic (5 collections)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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