Subfamily Allantinae Newman 1834 (wood wasp)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Tenthredinidae

Full reference: E. Newman. 1834. Attempted division of British insect into natural orders. The Entomological Magazine 2:379-431

Parent taxon: Tenthredinidae according to L. Vilhelmsen and E. E. Perkovsky 2024

See also Archibald et al. 2018, Meunier 1914, Nel et al. 2022, Rohwer 1911, Taeger et al. 2010 and Wappler et al. 2005

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Allantini Empriini Eriocampa Hylotomites Palaeathalia Palaeotaxonus Pseudosiobla Rovnotaxonus Taxonus

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• Miocene of France (2 collections), Germany (1)

• Oligocene of France (2), Germany (2)

• Eocene of Canada (3: British Columbia), Ukraine (1), United States (9: Colorado, Wyoming)

• Cretaceous of China (1)

Total: 21 collections including 25 occurrences

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