Insecta - Coleoptera - Ademosynidae
Alternative combination: Ademosyne kirgizica
Full reference: A. G. Ponomarenko. 1969. Istoricheskoe Razvitie Zhestkokrylykh-Arkhostemat [Historical Development of the Archostomate Beetles]. Trudy Akademiya Nauk SSSR 125:1-240
Belongs to Ademosyne according to E. V. Yan et al. 2017
See also Ponomarenko 1969
Sister taxa: Ademosyne adunca, Ademosyne arcucciae, Ademosyne australiensis, Ademosyne bacca, Ademosyne brevis, Ademosyne cameroni, Ademosyne congener, Ademosyne curvata, Ademosyne elliptica, Ademosyne elongatus, Ademosyne hexacostata, Ademosyne intermedia, Ademosyne lata, Ademosyne llantenesensis, Ademosyne major, Ademosyne olliffi, Ademosyne parva, Ademosyne polyzetete, Ademosyne prisca, Ademosyne punctata, Ademosyne punctuada, Ademosyne ramocostata, Ademosyne reducta, Ademosyne rosenfeldi, Ademosyne rugulosa, Ademosyne sibirica, Ademosyne speciosa, Ademosyne umutu, Ademosyne vittamargina, Ademosyne wianamattensis
Type specimen: PIN 2069/1369, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Madygen, PIN collection 2069, Dzhailoucho area, which is in a Ladinian lacustrine - small siliciclastic in the Madygen Formation of Kyrgyzstan.
• Triassic of Kyrgyzstan (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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