Cretoxyla Grimaldi and Cumming 2011 (fly)

Insecta - Diptera - Xylomyidae

Full reference: D. A. Grimaldi and J. M. Cumming. 2011. Taxonomic names, in Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, significant new Orthorrhaphous Taxa. ZooKeys 148:293-332

Parent taxon: Xylomyidae according to D. A. Grimaldi and J. M. Cumming 2011

Sister taxa: Archeoxyla, Archosolva, Clemoxyla, Cretasolva, Pankowskia, Solva, Xylomya

Subtaxa: Cretoxyla azari

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Type: Cretoxyla azari


Distribution: found only at Lebanese amber, Mdeyrij-Hammana (LU collection) (Cretaceous of Lebanon)

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