Insecta - Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
Alternative combinations: Ceratopogon (Ceratopogon) macronyx, Ceratopogon macronyx
Full reference: K. Y. Remm. 1976. Late Cretaceous biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) from fossil resins of the Khatanga Depression. Paleontological Journal 10(3):344-351
Belongs to Palaeobrachypogon according to A. Borkent and P. Dominiak 2020
See also Borkent 1995, Borkent 2013, Borkent and Wirth 1997, Remm 1976, Szadziewski 1996 and Szadziewski 2018
Sister taxa: Palaeobrachypogon aquilonius, Palaeobrachypogon grandiforceps, Palaeobrachypogon remmi, Palaeobrachypogon taimyricus, Palaeobrachypogon vetus
Type specimen: PIN 3311/372, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Taimyr amber, Yantardakh Hill (PIN collection 3311), which is in a Santonian terrestrial amber in the Kheta Formation of the Russian Federation.
Distribution: found only at Taimyr amber, Yantardakh Hill (PIN collection 3311)
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