†family Stygneidae Handlirsch 1906

Insecta - Dicondylia - Stygneidae

Alternative spelling: Stygnidae

Full reference: A. Handlirsch. 1906. Die Fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der Rezenten Formen, parts I-IV. Ein Handbuch fur Palaontologen und Zoologen 1-640

Parent taxon: Pterygota according to F. Ceccolini et al. 2023

See also Carpenter 1992, Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1919 and Handlirsch 1922

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Stygne

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Type: Stygne

Distribution: found only at Alfred mine, Between Konigshutte and Laurahutte (Carboniferous of Poland)

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