Family Palaemonidae Rafinesque 1815 (shrimp)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Palaemonidae

Synonyms: Anchistioididae Borradaile 1915, Drimoidae Ortmann 1896, Gnathophyllidae Dana 1852, Hymenoceridae Ortmann 1890, Kakaducarididae Bruce 1993

Parent taxon: Palaemonoidea according to C.E. Schweitzer et al. 2023

See also Garassino and Bravi 2003, Rathbun 1918 and Schweitzer et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Desmocarididae, Euryrhynchidae, Palaemoninae, Pontoniinae, Typhlocarididae

Subtaxa: Alburnia Bahiacaris Bechleja Beurlenia Gnathophylloides Gnathophyllum Kellnerius Micropsalis Palaemon Palaemonetes Parapalaemonetes Propalaemon Pseudocaridinella Schmelingia Yongjiacaris

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Type: Palaemon

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Eocene of the United Kingdom (5 collections)

• Cretaceous of Brazil (3), China (1), Italy (3)

• Triassic of Germany (1)

Total: 13 collections including 19 occurrences

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