Subfamily Culicinae Meigen 1818

Insecta - Diptera - Culicidae

Alternative spelling: Culiciformes

Full reference: J. W. Meigen. 1818. Systematische Beschreibung der Bekannten Europäischen Zweiflügeligen Insekten, Erster Theil 1-332

Parent taxon: Culicidae according to V. A. Baranov and J. T. Haug 2021

See also Harbach 2007, Meigen 1818, Pielowska et al. 2018, Szadziewski 2019 and Szadziewski and Giłka 2011

Sister taxa: Anophelinae, Burmaculicinae, Neoculicites, Paleoculicis

Subtaxa: Aedini Culicini Culisetini Mansoniini Toxorhynchitini

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Type: Culex


• Quaternary of Brazil (1 collection), French Polynesia (1), Tanzania (1)

• Blancan of United States (1: Texas)

• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (2), Mexico (2)

• Oligocene of France (1), Germany (4)

• Eocene of Poland (1), the Russian Federation (4), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (3), United States (7: Colorado, Montana, Wyoming)

Total: 30 collections including 48 occurrences

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