Insecta - Diptera - Psychodidae
Parent taxon: Psychodidae according to M. X. Araújo and L. R. P. Gomes 2023
See also Azar et al. 2015, Azar et al. 2015, Azar et al. 2022, Azar and Waller 2010, Nel et al. 2002 and Stebner and Solórzano Kraemer 2014
Sister taxa: Bamara, Bruchomyiinae, Cretapsychoda, Culex proavitus, Datziinae, Eochaoborites, Eophlebotomus, Horaiellinae, Liassopsychodina, Libanopsychoda, Mesopsychoda, Paraculicoides, Paraculicoides rouseae, Phlebotominae, Plebotomites, Plebotomus, Posthon, Psychodinae, Psychodites, Sycoracinae, Tanyderinae, Tanypsycha, Triassopsychoda, Xenopsychoda, Protoplasa, Tanyderites
Subtaxa: Axenotrichomyia Eatonisca Eotrichomyia Phalaenomyia antennata Trichomyia Xenotrichomyia
Type: Trichomyia
• Quaternary of Tanzania (1 collection)
• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (1), Mexico (19)
• Eocene of China (1), France (1), Germany (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (1)
• Cretaceous of France (1), Myanmar (1), United States (1: New Jersey)
Total: 30 collections including 43 occurrences