†Maastrichtidelphys meurismeti Martin et al. 2005 (marsupial)
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Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Peradectidae
Full reference: J. E. Martin, J. A. Case, J. W. M. Jagt, A. S. Schulp, and E. W. A. Mulder. 2005. A new European marsupial indicates a Late Cretaceous high-latitude transatlantic dispersal route. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 12(3/4):495-511
Belongs to Maastrichtidelphys according to J. E. Martin et al. 2005
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: NHMM2002 063, a tooth (Right M2). Its type locality is ENCI-Maastricht B.V. quarry, Valkenburg Member, which is in a Maastrichtian coastal horizon in the Maastricht Formation of Belgium.
Ecology: scansorial omnivore
Distribution: found only at ENCI-Maastricht B.V. quarry, Valkenburg Member
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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