Subfamily Megalyrinae Schletterer 1889 (wasp)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Megalyridae

Alternative spelling: Megalyrini

Full reference: A. Schletterer. 1889. Die Hymenopteren-Gattungen Stenophasmus Smith, Monomachus Westw., Pelecinus Latr. und Megalyra Westw. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 33:197-250

Parent taxon: Megalyridae according to M. Brazidec et al. 2024

See also Perrichot 2009 and Rasnitsyn 1977

Sister taxa: Cleistogastrinae, Dinapsini, Megazarinae

Subtaxa: Kamyristiini Megallicini Megalyrini Valaaini

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Type: Megalyra



• Eocene of France (1 collection), Germany (2), the Russian Federation (6), Ukraine (3)

• Cretaceous of Azerbaijan (1), France (1), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (1)

Total: 17 collections including 29 occurrences

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