Aulacothyropsis tschernyschevi Dagys 1963 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Aulacothyropsidae

Belongs to Aulacothyropsis according to G. R. Xu 1978

Sister taxa: Aulacothyropsis almensis, Aulacothyropsis conspicua, Aulacothyropsis deqinica, Aulacothyropsis eminens, Aulacothyropsis megaeminens, Aulacothyropsis pentagonalis, Aulacothyropsis pervulgatus, Aulacothyropsis pressulus, Aulacothyropsis reflexa

Type specimen: IGiG No. 107/42. Its type locality is Polyana Baronova, which is in a Norian/Rhaetian marine limestone in the Russian Federation.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Triassic of China (1 collection), the Russian Federation (3)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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