Family Embiidae Burmeister 1839

Insecta - Embioptera - Embiidae

Alternative spelling: Embidae

Full reference: H. C. Burmeister. 1839. Handbuch der Entomologie. Zweiter Band. Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe. Gymnognatha (Zweite Hälfte; vulgo Neuroptera) 757-1050

Parent taxon: Embioptera according to K. B. Miller et al. 2012

See also Engel and Grimaldi 2006, Engel and Grimaldi 2011, Miller 2009 and Ross 1956

Sister taxa: Anisembiidae, Brachyphyllophagidea, Clothododea, Embiidea, Euembiaria, Euembiodea, Euembioptera, Neoembiodea, Notoligotomidae, Palembiodea, Scelembiidae, Teratembiidae

Subtaxa: Electroembia Embia Galloembia Lithembia Scelembiinae

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Type: Embia


• Eocene of France (1 collection), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (1), United States (2: Colorado)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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