Metabuprestium oyunchaiense Alexeev 2000 (jewel beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Buprestidae

Full reference: A. V. Alexeev. 2000. On Mesozoic Buprestids (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. Paleontological Journal 34(Suppl 3):S323-S326

Belongs to Metabuprestium according to C. L. Bellamy 2008

See also Alexeev 2000

Sister taxa: Metabuprestium arkagalense, Metabuprestium arkharense, Metabuprestium bayssense, Metabuprestium bontsaganense, Metabuprestium cretaceum, Metabuprestium cuneomaculatum, Metabuprestium dundulense, Metabuprestium furcatorugosum, Metabuprestium granulipenne, Metabuprestium ichbogdoense, Metabuprestium latipenne, Metabuprestium minutum, Metabuprestium nobile, Metabuprestium ovale, Metabuprestium shartologoiense, Metabuprestium sibiricum, Metabuprestium ustkivdense, Metabuprestium vitimense

Type specimen: PIN 3604/9, an elytra. Its type locality is Oyun'-Khaya locality (PIN collection 3604), which is in an Aptian terrestrial horizon in the Eksenya-Khaya Formation of the Russian Federation.


Distribution: found only at Oyun'-Khaya locality (PIN collection 3604)

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