Archaeromma carnifex Engel and Grimaldi 2007 (false fairy wasp)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Mymarommatidae

Full reference: M. S. Engel and D. A. Grimaldi. 2007. New False Fairy Wasps in Cretaceous Amber from New Jersey and Myanmar (Hymenoptera: Mymarommatoidea). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 110(3/4):159-168

Belongs to Archaeromma according to M. S. Engel and D. A. Grimaldi 2007

Sister taxa: Archaeromma chisatoi, Archaeromma gibsoni, Archaeromma hispanicum, Archaeromma japonicum, Archaeromma mandibulatum, Archaeromma masneri, Archaeromma minutissimum, Archaeromma nearcticum, Archaeromma phoenicium, Archaeromma senonicum, Archaeromma trigonokephalion

Type specimen: NJ-179 [KL167], an exoskeleton. Its type locality is White Oaks Pit (Old Crossman's Clay Pits), which is in a Turonian delta plain amber/lignite in the Raritan Formation of New Jersey.


Distribution: found only at White Oaks Pit (Old Crossman's Clay Pits)

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