Planoprosopon thiedeae Schweigert and Koppka 2011 (crab)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Longodromitidae

Full reference: G. Schweigert and J. Koppka. 2011. Decapods (Crustacea: Brachyura) from the Jurassic of Germany and Lithuania, with descriptions of new species of Planoprosopon and Tanidromites. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 260:221-235

Belongs to Planoprosopon according to G. Schweigert and J. Koppka 2011

Sister taxa: Planoprosopon aequus, Planoprosopon conspicuus, Planoprosopon cornutus, Planoprosopon dumosus, Planoprosopon heydeni, Planoprosopon hystricosus, Planoprosopon kashimaensis, Planoprosopon major, Planoprosopon quadratum, Planoprosopon rhathamingus, Planoprosopon schweigerti

Type specimen: Its type locality is Quarry Am Saufang near Geisingen, which is in a Kimmeridgian reef, buildup or bioherm reef rocks in the Untere Felsenkalke Formation of Germany

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: found only at Quarry Am Saufang near Geisingen

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