Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Farcidae

Original description: Test dicyrtid, cephalis medium in size, hemispherical, imperforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Single horn moderately massive, triradiate with three narrow ridges alternating with three wide grooves. Thorax hemispherical, with slightly variable size of massive polygonal pore frames Distal portion of thorax with three to four prominent transverse ridges, ridges continuous or slightly offset, parallel to each other and merging with those of feet. Feet massive, medium in length, tapering distally, triradiate in axial section with three wide, deep longitudinal grooves alternating with three narrow longitudinal ridges.

Original remarks: Farcus kozuri, n. sp, differs from F. graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen, and Yeh (1986) by possessing three to four well-developed transverse ridges on the distal portion of thorax.

Etymology: This species is named for Dr. H. Kozur, in honor of his studies on Mesozoic Radiolaria.

Full reference: K. Y. Yeh. 1987. Taxonomic Studies of Lower Jurassic Radiolaria from East-Central Oregon. National Museum of Natural Science Special Publications 2:1-169

Belongs to Farcus according to K. Y. Yeh 1987

Sister taxon: Farcus lepidus

Type specimen: NMNS (000113). Its type locality is Suplee-Izee area, OR-536J, which is in a Pliensbachian marine mudstone/limestone in the Nicely Formation of Oregon.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Jurassic of Greece (1 collection), Japan (1), the Philippines (3), United States (1: Oregon)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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