Paragalathea Patrulius 1959 (decapod)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Paragalatheidae

Alternative spelling: Galathea (Paragalathea)

Parent taxon: Paragalatheidae according to C. M. Robins et al. 2016

See also Bishop 1985, Muţiu and Bădăluţă 1971, Patrulius 1966, Schweitzer et al. 2010, Sepkoski 2002 and Vega et al. 2019

Sister taxa: Discutiolira, Lemacola, Mesogalathea

Subtaxa: Paragalathea africana Paragalathea arcella Paragalathea crenarvina Paragalathea ornatissima Paragalathea ternata Paragalathea ubaghsi Paragalathea verrucosa Paragalathea vultuosoma

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Type: Galathea verrucosa

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Cretaceous of Morocco (1 collection), the Netherlands (2)

• Jurassic of Austria (1), Poland (1)

Total: 5 collections including 9 occurrences

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