Smicrips LeConte 1878 (palmetto beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Smicripidae

Full reference: J. L. LeConte. 1878. Additional descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 17:373-472

Parent taxon: Smicripidae according to C. Y. Cai and D. Y. Huang 2016

See also Bukejs and Kirejtshuk 2015, Kirejtshuk and Nel 2008 and LeConte 1878

Sister taxon: Mesosmicrips

Subtaxa: Smicrips europeus Smicrips fudalai Smicrips gorskii

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• Eocene of France (1 collection), Poland (1), Ukraine (1)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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