Bivalvia - Myalinida - Atomodesmatidae
Alternative combination: Atomodesma bicarinata
Full reference: V. A. Muromtseva. 1984. Taxonomic Descriptions. Permskie Morskie Otlozheniya I Dvustvorchatie Mollyuski Sovetskoi Arktiki 1-154
Belongs to Intomodesma according to M. M. Astafieva 1993
See also Muromtseva 1984
Sister taxa: Intomodesma balygytshanica, Intomodesma costatum, Intomodesma evenica, Intomodesma gibberosa, Intomodesma pterineaeforme, Intomodesma solominae, Intomodesma turgidum
Type specimen: 11570/156. Its type locality is Sokar river headwaters, right bank Tompo River, Deleni River basin, which is in a Wordian marine siliciclastic in the Delendzha Formation of the Russian Federation.
Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of the Russian Federation (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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