Insecta - Megaloptera - Sialidae
Full reference: P. A. Latreille. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Crustacés et des Insectes. 3:1-467
Parent taxon: Sialinae according to C. C. Martins et al. 2022
See also Engel and Grimaldi 2008, Latreille 1802, Liu et al. 2015, Nel 1991, Wichard 1997, Wichard 2002 and Wichard and Engel 2006
Sister taxa: Austrosialis, Dobbertinia, Eosialis, Haplosialodes, Ilyobius, Indosialis, Proindosialis, Protosialis
Subtaxa: Sialis groehni Sialis muratensis Sialis strausi Sialis voigti
• Quaternary of the United Kingdom (1 collection)
• Pliocene of Germany (1)
• Miocene of France (2)
• Eocene of the Russian Federation (3)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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