Hemiptychina subaequalis Reed 1944 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Gillediidae

Full reference: F. R. C. Reed. 1944. Brachiopoda and Mollusca from the Productus limestones of the Salt Range. Palaeontogica Indica, Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, New Series 23(2):1-596

Belongs to Hemiptychina according to F. R. C. Reed 1944

Sister taxa: Hemiptychina amygdala, Hemiptychina carniolica, Hemiptychina crebriplicata, Hemiptychina darvasica, Hemiptychina desticata, Hemiptychina himalayensis, Hemiptychina inflata, Hemiptychina kutorgi, Hemiptychina lamellosa, Hemiptychina mintrita, Hemiptychina mirabilis, Hemiptychina mongolica, Hemiptychina morrisi, Hemiptychina murrita, Hemiptychina nana, Hemiptychina patula, Hemiptychina pseudoelongata, Hemiptychina pygmaea, Hemiptychina quadricostata, Hemiptychina schellwieni, Hemiptychina sparsiplicata, Hemiptychina truncata, Hemiptychina tschernyschewi, Hemiptychina warchensis

Type specimen: GSI 17009, a shell. Its type locality is Chambalwala nala, Narsingphoar, marly beds, Salt Range, which is in a Capitanian carbonate marl in the Wargal Formation of Pakistan.

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Pakistan (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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