Aves - Anseriformes - Anatidae
Full reference: R. W. Shufeldt. 1891. Fossil birds from the Equus Beds of Oregon. American Naturalist 25:818-821
Belongs to Branta according to O. P. Hay 1930
See also Brodkorb 1964, Hay 1902, Howard 1946, Howard 1972, Lambrecht 1933, Shufeldt 1891, Wetmore 1940 and Wetmore 1956
Sister taxa: Branta bernicla, Branta canadensis, Branta dickeyi, Branta esmeralda, Branta howardae, Branta hutchinsii, Branta hylobadistes, Branta hypsibata, Branta leucopsis, Branta minuscula, Branta ruficollis, Branta sandvicensis, Branta woolfendeni
Type specimen: Its type locality is Silver Lake, which is in a Pleistocene terrestrial horizon in Oregon
Ecology: volant folivore-granivore
• Quaternary of United States (2: Oregon collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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