Full reference: A. V. Gorochov. 1988. O klassifikatsii iskopaemykh pryamokrylykh nadsemeystva Phasmomimoidea (Orthoptera) s opisannem novykh taksonov. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 178:32-44
Parent taxon: Holophasmatodea according to M. S. Engel et al. 2016
See also Archibald and Bradler 2015 and Gorochov 2000
Sister taxa: Aerophasmidae, Aeroplanidae, Phasmatodea, Prochresmodoidea, Xiphopteridea
Subtaxa: Eoprephasma Susumaniidae
• Eocene of Canada (2: British Columbia collections), United States (2: Washington)
• Paleocene of Canada (2: Alberta)
• Cretaceous of Brazil (1), Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador), China (5), Greenland (1), Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (12), the United Kingdom (1)
• Jurassic of China (3), Kazakhstan (2)
Total: 33 collections including 44 occurrences