Asthenohymen uralicum Zalessky 1939 (winged insect)

Insecta - Diaphanopterodea - Asthenohymenidae

Full reference: G. M. Zalessky. 1939. Permskie nasekomye basseyna reki Sylvy i voprosy evolyutsii v klasse nasekomykh III. Novye predstaviteli Protohymenoptera, Homoptera, Hemipsocoptera, Psocoptera, Protoperlaria, Isoptera i Protoblattoidea. Problemy Paleontologii 5:33-91

Belongs to Asthenohymen according to V. G. Novokshonov and R. Willmann 1999

See also Novokshonov 1998 and Zalessky 1939

Sister taxa: Asthenohymen affinis, Asthenohymen apicalis, Asthenohymen dunbari, Asthenohymen gracilis, Asthenohymen kansasensis, Asthenohymen latus, Asthenohymen micron, Asthenohymen minutum, Asthenohymen minutus, Asthenohymen parvulus, Asthenohymen pusillus, Asthenohymen stenobasis, Asthenohymen stigmatizans, Asthenohymen triangularis, Asthenohymen zalesskyi, Asthenohymen zonatus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Sylva River, outcrop above Yulaevo village (Zalessky material), which is in a Kungurian deltaic siliciclastic in the Koshelevka Formation of the Russian Federation



• Permian of the Russian Federation (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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