Subfamily Eumeninae Leach 1815 (potter wasp)
Insecta - Hymenoptera - Vespidae
Alternative spellings: Eumenidae, Eumenidinae
Parent taxon: Vespidae according to A. V. Antropov 2014
See also Carpenter 1992, Carpenter 2000, Cockerell 1906, Rasnitsyn 1975, Statz 1936 and Zhang 1989
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Alastor Ancistrocerus Eumenes Eunortonia Harmorhynchium Odynerus Rhynchium Rotundipetiolus Rygchium Sphaerancistrocerus Symmorphus
• Miocene of China (3 collections), the Russian Federation (1), Thailand (1)
• Oligocene of France (2), Germany (1)
• Eocene of France (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (5: Colorado, Wyoming)
• Paleocene of France (1)
• Cretaceous of United States (1: New Jersey)
Total: 18 collections including 24 occurrences