Xizangophyllum minor Wang et al. 1983 (horn coral)

Anthozoa - Stauriida - Waagenophyllidae

Full reference: Z. J. Wang, S. J. Chen, and R. R. Wu. 1983. Two new tetracorals Xizangophyllum and Xainzaphyllum from the lower Permian of Xizang. Contribution to the Geology of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau 2 - Stratigraphy and Palaeontology 2:258-264

Belongs to Xizangophyllum according to Z. J. Wang et al. 1983

Sister taxa: Xizangophyllum densum, Xizangophyllum simplex

Type specimen: Its type locality is Yongzhu, Xainza County, which is in a Wordian/Capitanian carbonate limestone in the Xiala Formation of China

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Yongzhu, Xainza County

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