Mandrillus leucophaeus Cuvier 1807 (drill)
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Mammalia - Primates - Cercopithecidae
Alternative combinations: Cynocephalus leucophaeus, Simia leucophaea
Synonyms: Simia (Papio) cinerea Kerr 1792, Simia (Papio) sylvicola Kerr 1792, Simia (Papio) uvea Kerr 1792, Simia (Papio) variegata Kerr 1792, Simia silvestris Schreber 1800, Simia sylvestris Link 1795
Belongs to Mandrillus according to C. P. Groves 1968
See also Melville 1970, Melville 1984 and Owen 1853
Sister taxon: Mandrillus sphinx
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Mandrillus leucophaeus in the database
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