Protozoa - Nassellaria - Parvicingulidae
Full reference: E. A. Pessagno, Jr. and P.A. Whalen. 1982. Lower and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria (multicyrtid Nassellariina) from California, east-central Oregon and the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Micropaleontology 28(2):111-169
Belongs to Canoptum according to E. A. Pessagno and P.A. Whalen 1982
Sister taxa: Canoptum anulatum, Canoptum artum, Canoptum columbiaense, Canoptum dixoni, Canoptum inornatus, Canoptum jinluense, Canoptum laxum, Canoptum levis, Canoptum macoyense, Canoptum margaritaense, Canoptum merum, Canoptum paradoxum, Canoptum pessagnoi, Canoptum poissoni, Canoptum rhaeticum, Canoptum spinosum, Canoptum triassicum, Canoptum unicum, Canoptum zetangense, Paracanoptum primitivum, Neowrangellium pessagnoi
Type specimen: USNM 307208
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
Distribution: found only at Suplee-Izee area, OR-533 (Jurassic of Oregon)
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