Goniasma gzheliensis Mazaev 2011 (snail)

Gastropoda - Caenogastropoda - Goniasmatidae

Full reference: A. V. Mazaev. 2011. Pennsylvanian gastropods of the suborders Murchisoniina Cox et Knight, 1960 and Sinuspirina Mazaev subordo nov. from the central regions of the Russian Platform: Morphology, taxonomy, and phylogeny. Paleontological Journal 45(12):1533-1599

Belongs to Goniasma according to A. V. Mazaev 2011

Sister taxa: Goniasma dalryensis, Goniasma fischeri, Goniasma fortecarinata, Goniasma fusuiensis, Goniasma gerassimovi, Goniasma helicaformis, Goniasma imparlineata, Goniasma lasallense, Goniasma multilineata, Goniasma nodifera, Goniasma praecosis, Goniasma pygmaea, Goniasma rara, Goniasma subangulata, Goniasma sulcata, Goniasma terebra, Goniasma tricarinata, Goniasma zarecznyi, Murchisonia (Goniasma) conjugens

Type specimen: PM RAS 4471/6-17, a shell. Its type locality is Locality 006. Section near the Gzhel station, Bed 8, which is in a Pavlovoposadian carbonate limestone in the Turabievo Formation of the Russian Federation.

Ecology: epifaunal

Distribution: found only at Locality 006. Section near the Gzhel station, Bed 8

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