Anthracophrynus tuberculatus Andrée 1913 (arthropod)

Arachnida - Trigonotarbida

Full reference: K. Andrée. 1913. Über Anthracophrynus tuberculatus nov. gen. nov. spec. aus dem produktiven Karbon von Dudweiler im Saar-Revier, nebst einer Liste der bisher im Karbon Deutschlands gefundenen Arachnoideen-Reste. Jahres-Berichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereines 3:89-93

Belongs to Anthracophrynus according to A. I. Petrunkevitch 1953

See also Andrée 1913 and Waterlot 1934

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Dudweiler coal-pit (SMF collection), which is in a Westphalian C terrestrial shale in the Lower Saarbrucker layer Formation of Germany



• Carboniferous of Germany (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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