Ostracoda - Podocopida - Cytheridae
Parent taxon: Cytheridae according to E. O. Ulrich and R. S. Bassler 1904
See also Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Camptocythere, Cnestocythere, Cytherinae, Cytheromorphinae, Gemmanella, Gesoriacula, Hemicytheridea, Kellettella, Loxocythere, Progonocytherinae, Schizocytherinae, Speluncella
Subtaxa: Cythere burnsi Cythere calverti Cythere clarkana Cythere dorsicornis Cythere evax Cythere exanthemata Cythere francisca Cythere inaequivalis Cythere lienenklausi Cythere martini Cythere marylandica Cythere micula Cythere morrisiana Cythere nitidula Cythere ohioensis Cythere paucipunctata Cythere planibasalis Cythere plebia Cythere porcella Cythere producta Cythere punctistriata Cythere rugipunctata Cythere schwageri Cythere shattucki Cythere spiniplicata Cythere subovalis Cythere tasmanica Cythere terquemiana Cythere tuomeyi Cythere vaughani
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore-grazer
• Quaternary of the United Kingdom (1 collection)
• Pliocene of Australia (1), New Zealand (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Australia (1)
• Miocene of Australia (1), Panama (1)
• Eocene of the United Kingdom (6), United States (6: Texas)
• Cretaceous of Germany (1), Poland (1), South Africa (1), United States (2: Oklahoma, Texas)
• Jurassic of the United Kingdom (1)
• Permian of Australia (1), the United Kingdom (1)
• Carboniferous of Australia (1), United States (1: Ohio)
Total: 28 collections including 43 occurrences
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