†superfamily Polygnathacea Bassler 1925 (conodont)

Conodonta - Ozarkodinida

Parent taxon: Ozarkodinina according to P. C. J. Donoghue et al. 2008

See also Clark et al. 1981 and von Bitter and Austin 1984

Sister taxa: Bactrognathidae, Ozarkodina, Palmatolepidae, Scaliognathus, Yaoxianognathus

Subtaxa: Cavusgnathidae Clydagnathus Cryptotaxidae Dinodus Eognathodus Kockelellamecdup Lochriea Nicollidina Polygnathidae Vogelgnathus

view classification

Type: Polygnathidae

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Triassic of Greece (1 collection), Serbia and Montenegro (1)

• Permian of the Russian Federation (1)

• Carboniferous of Austria (6), Brazil (1), China (32), Germany (3), Greece (4), India (1), Iran (2), Ireland (3), Mexico (7), the Russian Federation (19), Spain (7), the United Kingdom (35), United States (76: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)

• Devonian to Triassic of Greece (1)

• Devonian of Algeria (20), Australia (181), Austria (77), Belgium (35), Brazil (1), Bulgaria (15), Canada (96: Northwest Territories, Northwest Territories and Yukon, Nunavut, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon Territory), China (117), the Czech Republic (41), France (88), Germany (152), Greece (7), Iran (14), Italy (21), Mongolia (4), Morocco (237), Myanmar (2), New Zealand (1), Poland (88), Portugal (1), the Russian Federation (54), Spain (156), Tajikistan (5), Turkey (3), the United Kingdom (1), United States (240: Alaska, Arizona, California, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Texas), Uzbekistan (9), Vietnam (5), Western Sahara (2)

• Silurian to Devonian of Australia (13), Italy (1)

• Silurian of Australia (11), Austria (4), Canada (1: Yukon Territory), the Czech Republic (10), Estonia (2), Italy (2), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (49), the United Kingdom (6), United States (14: Nevada, Ohio)

Total: 1987 collections including 4841 occurrences

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