Cephalopoda - Goniatitida - Perrinitidae
Alternative combination: Properrinites furnishi
Full reference: W. W. Nassichuk. 1971. Permian ammonoids and nautiloids, southeastern Eagle Plain, Yukon Territory. Journal of Paleontology 45:1001-1021
Belongs to Subperrinites according to T. B. Leonova 2002
See also Nassichuk 1971 and Tharalson 1984
Sister taxa: Properrinites boesei, Properrinites deroeveri, Properrinites dmitrievi, Properrinites gigantus, Properrinites nevadensis, Subperrinites plummeri, Subperrinites mooreae, Subperrinites denhami, Subperrinites bakeri
Type specimen: GSC 25513. Its type locality is GSC 67669, Peel River, which is in a Sakmarian marine shale in the Jungle Creek Formation of Canada.
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 33.0
• Permian of Canada (2: Yukon collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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