Laetopsia Fikáček et al. 2012 (water scavenger beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera

Full reference: M. Fikáček, A. Prokin, R. B. Angus, A. Ponomarenko, Y. L. Yue, D. Ren, and J. Prokop. 2012. Revision of Mesozoic fossils of the helophorid lineage of the superfamily Hydrophiloidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52:89-127

Parent taxon: Hydrophiloidea according to M. Fikáček et al. 2012

Sister taxa: Cretotaenia, Epimetopidae, Georissidae, Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Hydrophilopsia, Sinosperchopsis, Spercheidae

Subtaxa: Laetopsia baissensis Laetopsia bontsaganica Laetopsia hydraenoides Laetopsia mongolica Laetopsia shatrovskiyi

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• Cretaceous of China (1 collection), Mongolia (2), the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences

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