Ivshinagnostus alatus Choi et al. 2004 (artiopod)

Artiopoda - Agnostida - Agnostidae

Full reference: D. K. Choi, J. G. Lee, and B. C. Sheen. 2004. Upper Cambrian agnostoid trilobites from the Machari Formation,Yongwol, Korea. Geobios 37:159-189

Belongs to Ivshinagnostus according to D. K. Choi et al. 2004

Sister taxa: Ivshinagnostus hunanensis, Ivshinagnostus ivshini, Ivshinagnostus quadratus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Konggiri section, KG-8, which is in a Taoyuanian deep subtidal limestone in the Machari Formation of South Korea

Ecology: slow-moving epifaunal detritivore


• Taoyuanian of South Korea (5 collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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