Trachytherus alloxus Billet et al. 2008 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae

Full reference: G. Billet, C. Muizon, and B. Mamani-Quispe. 2008. Late Oligocene mesotheriids (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from Salla and Lacayani (Bolivia): implications for basal mesotheriid phylogeny and distribution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 152:153-200

Belongs to Trachytherus according to G. Billet et al. 2008

Sister taxa: Trachytherus ramirezi, Trachytherus spegazzinianus, Trachytherus subandinus, Eutrachytherus modestus

Type specimen: MNHN-BOL-V 006355, a skull (Subcomplete skull with right and left I1, P2-M3; nasals missing). Its type locality is Salla, which is in a Deseadan terrestrial horizon in the Salla Formation of Bolivia.

Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Deseadan of Bolivia (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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