Dasypus argentinus Moreno and Mercerat 1891 (armadillo)

Mammalia - Cingulata - Dasypodidae

Belongs to Dasypus according to C. Rovereto 1914

See also Lydekker 1894

Sister taxa: Dasypus (Cryptophractus), Dasypus (Dasypus), Dasypus (Hyperoambon), Dasypus bellus, Dasypus hesternus, Dasypus laevisculptus, Dasypus longicaudatus, Dasypus moreni, Dasypus neogaeus, Dasypus patagonicus, Dasypus peba, Dasypus platensis, Dasypus proximus, Dasypus scalabrini, Dasypus tarijensis, Dasypus villosus

Ecology: semifossorial insectivore-frugivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Dasypus argentinus in the database

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