Bivalvia - Cardiida - Veneridae
Alternative combinations: Paphia staminea, Protothaca (Protothaca) staminea, Protothaca staminea, Tapes staminea, Venerupis (Protothaca) staminea, Venerupis staminea, Venus staminea
Synonyms: Chione ruderata Deshayes 1853, Protothaca ruderata Deshayes 1853, Tapes diversa Sowerby II 1852, Tapes diversum Sowerby II 1852
Belongs to Leukoma according to A. Hendy 2021
See also Addicott 1963, Addicott 1966, Arnold and Hannibal 1913, Ashley 1895, Coan et al. 2000, Coan and Valentich-Scott 2012 and Grant, IV and Gale 1931
Sister taxa: Leukoma asperrima, Leukoma beili, Leukoma columbiensis, Leukoma dolicha, Leukoma ecuadoriana, Leukoma grata, Leukoma histrionica, Leukoma laciniata, Leukoma metodon, Leukoma pertincta, Leukoma staleyi, Leukoma thaca, Protothaca (Novathaca), Protothaca (Protothaca), Protothaca (Tropithaca) seymourensis
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), Mexico (12), United States (39: California, Oregon, Washington)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of United States (1: California)
• Pliocene of the Russian Federation (1), United States (14: California)
• Miocene of the Russian Federation (3), United States (2: California)
Total: 73 collections including 75 occurrences
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