Natrix merkurensis Ivanov 2002 (water snake)

Reptilia - Squamata - Natricidae

Full reference: M. Ivanov. 2002. The oldest known Miocene snake fauna from Central Europe: Merkur-North locality, Czech Republic. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47(3):513-534

Belongs to Natrix according to M Ivanov 2002

Sister taxa: Coluber podolicus, Natrix longivertebrata, Natrix maura, Natrix mlynarskii, Natrix natrix, Natrix parva, Natrix rusticus, Natrix sansaniensis, Natrix vulgaris

Type specimen: SGDB Ah-313, a mandible (a fragmentary right compound bone). Its type locality is Merkur-North, which is in an Orleanian fluvial-lacustrine marl/coal in the Most Formation of the Czech Republic.



• Miocene of the Czech Republic (1 collection), France (1)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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