Keratobrachyops australis Warren 1981 (tetrapod)

Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Chigutisauridae

Full reference: A. A. Warren. 1981. A horned member of the labyrinthodont superfamily Brachyopoidea from the Early Triassic of Queenland. Alcheringa 5:273-288

Belongs to Keratobrachyops according to A. Warren and C. Marsicano 2000

See also Poropat et al. 2023, Schoch and Milner 2000 and Warren 1981

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: QM F10115, a skull. Its type locality is QML 215, Duckworth Creek, which is in an Induan terrestrial mudstone in the Arcadia Formation of Australia.

Ecology: amphibious carnivore

Distribution: found only at QML 215, Duckworth Creek

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