Scabrastephanocolpites lisamae Van der Hammen and Garcia de Mutis 1966


Full reference: T. Van der Hammen and C. Garcia de Mutis. 1966. The Paleocene pollen flora of Colombia. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 35:105-114

Belongs to Scabrastephanocolpites according to T. Van der Hammen and C. Garcia de Mutis 1966

Sister taxa: Scabrastephanocolpites scabratus, Scabrastephanocolpites vanegensis

Type specimen: Slide F-I-78 Col. S.G.N. (HB-285), a seed repro (Pollen grains).

Average measurements (in mm): Pollen grain diameter 0.030

Distribution: found only at Catatumbo Basin Paleocene (Paleocene of Colombia)

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