Xenorhinotherium bahiense Cartelle and Lessa 1988 (placental)

Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae

Full reference: C. Cartelle and G. Lessa. 1988. Descriçao de um novo genero e especie de Macraucheniidae (Mammalia, Litopterna) do Pleistoceno do Brasil. Paula-Coutiana 3:3-26

Belongs to Xenorhinotherium according to C. Cartelle and G. Lessa 1988

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MCL-2644, a skeleton. Its type locality is Toca dos Ossos, which is in a Pleistocene terrestrial horizon in Brazil.

Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Quaternary of Brazil (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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