Insecta - Diptera - Antefungivoridae
Alternative spelling: Antefungivorinae
Synonyms: Pleciomimidae Rohdendorf 1946, Sinemediidae Rohdendorf 1962
Full reference: B. B. Rohdendorf. 1938. Dvukrylye basekomye Mezozoya Kara-Tau. I. Brachycera i chast' Nematocera. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 7:29-67
Parent taxon: Anisopodoidea according to N. L. Evenhuis 1994
See also Carpenter 1992, Kovalev 1985, Kovalev 1990 and Rohdendorf 1946
Sister taxa: Anisopodidae, Crosaphididae, Protorhyphidae, Siberhyphidae
Subtaxa: Antefungivora Antiquamedia Aortomima Archibio Baishuilingella Lycoriomimodes Mimallactoneurinae Paritonidinae Pleciomiminae Sciaromima
Type: Antefungivora
• Cretaceous of China (5 collections), the Russian Federation (1)
• Jurassic of China (4), Germany (2), Kazakhstan (4), Mongolia (2), the Russian Federation (3)
Total: 21 collections including 56 occurrences