Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae
Full reference: H.-V. Karl. 2007. The fossil reptiles (Reptilia: Chelonii, Crocodylia) from the marine early Oligocene of the Weisselster Basin (Central Germany: Saxonia). Studia Geologica Salamanticensia 43(1):25-66
Belongs to Allopleuron according to H.-V. Karl 2007
See also Karl et al. 2012
Sister taxa: Allopleuron hofmanni, Allopleuron qazaqstanense
Type specimen: PMUL ES [no number], a shell (carapace posterior up pleural III). Its type locality is Espenhain/Sachsen, which is in a MP 22 marine horizon in the Bohlen Formation of Germany.
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Oligocene of Germany (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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