Sankofa López-Martínez and Vicens 2012 (dinosaur)

Reptilia - Prismatoolithidae

Full reference: N. López-Martínez and E. Vicens. 2012. A new peculiar dinosaur egg, Sankofa pyrenaica oogen. nov. oosp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous coastal deposits of the Aren Formation, South-Central Pyrenees, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. Palaeontology 55(2):325-339

Parent taxon: Prismatoolithidae according to N. López-Martínez and E. Vicens 2012

See also Moreno-Azanza et al. 2014, Moreno-Azanza et al. 2016 and Sellés et al. 2014

Sister taxa: Laiyangoolithus, Preprismatoolithus, Prismatoolithus, Protoceratopsidovum, Spheruprismatoolithus, Trigonoolithus

Subtaxa: Sankofa pyrenaica

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• Cretaceous of Spain (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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