Azteca Forel 1878 (ant)

Insecta - Hymenoptera - Formicidae

Full reference: A. Forel. 1878. Études myrmécologiques en 1878 (première partie) avec l'anatomie du gésier des fourmis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 15:337-392

Parent taxon: Leptomyrmicini according to B. Bolton 2012

See also Bolton 2003, Coty et al. 2014, Emery 1913, Forel 1878 and Solórzano Kraemer 2007

Sister taxa: Anonychomyrma, Chronomyrmex, Gracilidris, Iridomyrmex, Leptomyrmex, Schismiscapus, Yantaromyrmex

Subtaxa: Azteca alpha Azteca eumeces

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• Quaternary of Colombia (2 collections), the Dominican Republic (1)

• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (10), Mexico (3)

Total: 16 collections including 18 occurrences

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