Stenolaemata - Phylloporinidae
Parent taxon: Phylloporinidae according to A. Ernst and M. Carrera 2008
See also Bassler 1953, Bolton and Cuffey 2005, Ross 1963 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Bashkiriella, Carinophylloporina, Chasmatopora, Chasmatoporella, Iberofenestella, Oeciophylloporina, Pesnastylus, Pseudohornera, Sardesonina, Subretepora, Trepostomina
Subtaxa: Phylloporina angulata Phylloporina gracilis Phylloporina incepta Phylloporina kinnekullensis Phylloporina sassitoensis Phylloporina trentonensis
Type: Retepora fenestrata
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Silurian of the Russian Federation (1 collection), United States (10: New York)
• Chazyan of Canada (21: Quebec), United States (43: New York, Vermont, Virginia)
• Ordovician of Argentina (1), Spain (2), Sweden (4), United States (15: New York, Ohio, Tennessee)
Total: 97 collections including 99 occurrences
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