Microcoleopteron jurassicum Weyenbergh 1869 (beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera

Alternative combination: Gyrinus jurassicus

Full reference: H. Weyenbergh. 1869. Sur les Insectes fossiles du Calcaire Lithographique de la Bavière, qui se trouvent au Musée Teyler. Archives de Musée Teyler 2:1-48

Belongs to Microcoleopteron according to A. Handlirsch 1906

See also Weyenbergh 1869

Sister taxa: Microcoleopteron heydeni, Microcoleopteron lithographicum, Microcoleopteron minimum

Type specimen: TM 6515, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Solnhofen (Teyler Museum Collection), which is in a Tithonian lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal lime mudstone in the Solnhofen Formation of Germany.


Distribution: found only at Solnhofen (Teyler Museum Collection)

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